Jose Revollo-Salazar
Dec 14, 2023
Open Installation Of Officers 2024
We would like to thank everyone who attended the 2024 Open Installation of Officers at Kemper-Macon Ware Lodge No. 64.
The installation was exquisitely presided over by Most Worshipful Donald E. Strehle, Past Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Virginia 2023. The Officers installed for the ensuing term are listed as follows:
Worshipful Master - Wor. Jose F. Revollo-Salazar
Senior Warden - Bro. Kevin F. Thomas
Junior Warden - Wor. Serdar Senyurt
Senior Deacon - Bro. Fernando Salas
Junior Deacon - Bro. Gary M. Ruehs
Senior Steward - Bro. Chi-Thanh V. Tran
Junior Steward - Bro. Michael T. Jenkinson
Treasurer - Bro. George E. Wagreich
Secretary - Wor. Troy E. Van Winkle
Chaplain - Wor. John D. Smith
Marshall - Bro. Juver Quintanilla
Tiler - Wor. Robert B. Rench
Wor. J. Revollo-Salazar delivered his acceptance speech with an optimistic tone in regards to his term. Wor. Revollo-Salazar explained the meaning of his emblem, the rooster, and talked about masonry in the community. He also thanked his installing officers and everyone who helped and attended the installation.